Become A Member
Membership of Luton Irish Forum now available
Complete the form below or contact us.
Standard Membership
£6 for individuals
Access to clubs, events and activities
Discounted coach trips and events
Members newsletter
59 club prizes
Invitation to Annual General Meeting
Receive a £1 discount if paying by
standing order
£11 for individuals
Access to clubs, events and activities
Discounted coach trips
Members newsletter
59 club prizes
Invitation to Annual General Meeting
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Discounts or special rates at local companies
Family Membership
£11 per family
For family members living at the same address - all receive the above!
Receive a £1 discount if paying by
standing order
Paying by paypal? The links you need are on the membership form or contact us and we'll send you a payment request.
Paying by card or cash? Please come into the office to pay us. We can't accept payments over the phone just yet
Paying via your bank? Please call us on 01582 720447 for our bank details